Precinct 13: The Movies and Music of John Carpenter

Memoirs of an Invisible Man (1992)

Episode Summary

We've covered a lot of Carpenter classics on this show thus far, and now it's time to take a look at one of his less-loved efforts. 1992's Memoirs of an Invisible Man was a project that star Chevy Chase had been attempting to get off the ground for years, and after passing through the hands of directors Ivan Reitman and Richard Donner, the film became Carpenter's return to the screen after his longest hiatus to date. So, does this sci-fi star vehicle (also featuring Daryl Hannah and pre-Jurassic Park Sam Neill) deserve the bum rap it received from critics and audiences? Chris and Nick chew over that question and many more, and you might be surprised with some of their conclusions on a movie that may very well still be worth a watch!

Episode Notes

We've covered a lot of Carpenter classics on this show thus far, and now it's time to take a look at one of his less-loved efforts. 1992's Memoirs of an Invisible Man was a project that star Chevy Chase had been attempting to get off the ground for years, and after passing through the hands of directors Ivan Reitman and Richard Donner, the film became Carpenter's return to the screen after his longest hiatus to date. So, does this sci-fi star vehicle (also featuring Daryl Hannah and pre-Jurassic Park Sam Neill) deserve the bum rap it received from critics and audiences? Chris and Nick chew over that question and many more,  and you might be surprised with some of their conclusions on a movie that may very well still be worth a watch!