Precinct 13: The Movies and Music of John Carpenter

Ranking the John Carpenter Filmography (Part 2) f/ Josh Mosley

Episode Summary

The knock-down-drag-out Carpenter-ranking extravaganza continues this week as Chris and Nick share their next round of picks (the middle of their lists) and returning guest Josh Mosley gives us his takes on all 23 films! Once again, the good, the bad, and the silly in the John Carpenter filmography get discussed, along with a few of this year's Oscar nominees, an Elvis impersonator who's got nothing on Kurt Russell, and some further details of your hosts' next podcasting endeavor. This is the second-to-last episode of the show proper (though we'll be back whenever the occasion presents itself), so enjoy and be sure to join us again in a few weeks as we close things out with our very favorite Carpenter films!

Episode Notes

The knock-down-drag-out Carpenter-ranking extravaganza continues this week as Chris and Nick share their next round of picks (the middle of their lists) and returning guest Josh Mosley gives us his takes on all 23 films! Once again, the good, the bad, and the silly in the John Carpenter filmography get discussed, along with a few of this year's Oscar nominees, an Elvis impersonator who's got nothing on Kurt Russell, and some further details of your hosts' next podcasting endeavor. This is the second-to-last episode of the show proper (though we'll be back whenever the occasion presents itself), so enjoy and be sure to join us again in a few weeks as we close things out with our very favorite Carpenter films!